Livros e artigos selecionados
Sistemas Formais Inconsistentes. Curitiba, Brasil: Universidade Federal do Paraná, 1963.
On the theory of inconsistent formal systems. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 1974 ; 15: 497-510.
On Jaskowski's Discussive Logic. Non-Classical Logics, Model Theory and Computability, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp.37-56, 1977.
Pragmatic probability. Erkenntnis 1986; 25: 141-162.
Paraconsistent logic as a formalism for reasoning about inconsistent knowledge bases. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 1989; 1: 167-174.
Undecidability and incompleteness in classical mechanics, International J. Theoretical Physics, vol. 30 (1991), 1041-1073.
Paraconsistent logic. In Stanisław Jaškowski Memorial Symposium, pp. 29-35. Department of Logic, Nicholas Copernicus University of Toruń. 1998.
Is there a Zande Logic? History and Philosophy of Logic 1998; 19: 41-54.
On Paraconsistent Deontic Logic. Philosophia 16: 293-305, 1986.
Outline of a paraconsistent category theory. In P Weingartner (ed.), Alternative Logics: Do Sciences Need them? Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2004, pp. 95-114.
Consequences of an exotic definition for P=NP. Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 145 (2003), 655-665, and Addendum to Consequences...' . Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 172 (2006), 1364-1367.
Computing the future, in Computability, Complexity and Constructivity in Economic Analysis, ed. K. V. Velupillai, Blackwell, 2005.
Some thoughts on hypercomputation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, in press (2006).
"On the Stability of Our Universe" Journal of Modern Physics 3,1211-1215 (2012)doi :10.4236/jmp.2012.329156
Lógica Indutiva e Probabilidade. Hucitec-EdUSP, 2a. ed., São Paulo, 1993.
Logique Classique et Non-Classique. Paris, Masson, 1997.
O conhecimento científico. São Paulo, Discurso Editorial, 2a. Ed., 1999
N.C.A. da Costa and S. French, Science and Partial Truth: A Unitary Approach to Models and Scientific Reasoning. (Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Science), Oxford University Press, 2003.